Scentopia - Peter de Cupere

Cultuurcentrum Scharpoord
Maxim Willemspad 1
8300 Knokke-Heist
25.10.2024 > 19.01.2025 - 10:00 > 18:00
€ 10,00
€ 8 European disability card, leden Davidsfonds, leden Gezinsbond, lerarenkaart, groepstarief (+10p.), 18-26 jaar Gratis -18 jaar, begeleider EDC-houderOmruilvoordeel uitpas: 10 punten = 2 euro korting op de standaardprijs

Scentopia presents the impressive universe of visual artist Peter de Cupere. Worldwide, he is considered a pioneer and authority in the use of scent as a medium in his artworks.

Scentopia lets you smell and look at how our world could evolve through climate change in the artist's nose and eyes. Through utopian scent concepts and artistic translations, laced with scents, poetic or otherwise, he aims to press the viewer on reality. In this, scents are metaphors for our way of life.

Is the future rose-scented or rather to be sniffed at?

Scentopia gives you an idea of Peter de Cupere's broad oeuvre in which his love for nature is central. For the exhibition, the artist creates new works that he combines with existing ones. Expect large scent installations, poetic scented models and concept drawings, scent paintings, scent sculptures and videos where he poetically makes the viewer think about everything we breathe. Because with every breath, we smell!
