Early Bird Run

Zwin Natuur Park
Graaf Leon Lippensdreef 8
8300 Knokke-Heist
29.09.2024 - 07:30 > 11:00
€ 5,00

Under the motto "the early bird catches the worm," the Early Bird Runners experience a unique running event at the break of dawn. With the starting and finishing point at the Zwin Nature Park and a route through the Zwin plain, dunes, and bushes, runners can enjoy a unique location. Both experienced runners and recreational runners have the opportunity to fill their lungs with healthy sea air and enjoy the awakening of nature, the tranquility, and the individual experience.

Three routes between 7.5 and 12.5 kilometers are marked out. The Early Bird Run course is a mix of walkable paths and small off-road trails. While numerous waders, herons, seagulls, and ducks spread their wings at sunrise, the runners are flanked along the Kleyne Vlakte by Scottish Highland cattle, Konik horses, Shetland ponies, Flemish sheep, and dune goats. The European tree frog and the common spadefoot are silent witnesses.


For more information: earlybirdrun.be
